Elect Chuck Goodrich
For Congress

Election Day is May 7th.

Indiana's Own: Chuck Goodrich

Chuck Goodrich’s roots run deep in the heartland of Roann, Indiana. Raised on the solid Midwestern principles of hard work, humility, and perseverance, Chuck is a true testament to the values that make Indiana great. Now, after twenty-eight years of calling Noblesville home and nurturing a family grounded in these principles, Chuck is ready to bring his life’s work to Congress.

From Ground Floor to Corner Office: Chuck's Journey

Chuck's story is the embodiment of the American dream. Beginning as an intern in an electrical company and working hard up the ranks, Chuck eventually took the helm of the company that gave him his start, thanks to determination and a knack for leadership.

His ambition didn't stop at business success. Recognizing a gap in practical education, Chuck introduced a vocational training program for high school students, offering them a head start in life's race.

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Chuck Goodrich's Vision for Indiana

Chuck Goodrich is committed to raising Indiana to new heights—envisioning a state that leads in living standards, work opportunities, and family values.

At his core, Chuck is driven by a profound belief in service and community. His journey to running for Congress is fueled by a sincere dedication to ensure that every Hoosier family and small business thrives.

  • Strengthening the Workforce: Securing Indiana’s economic future through skill development and job creation.

  • Supporting Small Businesses: Chuck is dedicated to helping small businesses grow and prosper by cutting red tape and unnecessary government regulations. He understands that small businesses are the backbone of our economy, and he’s committed to creating an environment where they can thrive, innovate, and create jobs for Hoosiers.

  • Ensuring Public Safety: A commitment to making our communities safer for everyone.

  • Advancing Education: Promoting innovative educational programs that prepare our students for success.

Supporting Small Businesses

Chuck is dedicated to helping small businesses grow and prosper by cutting red tape and unnecessary government regulations. He understands that small businesses are the backbone of our economy, and he's committed to creating an environment where they can thrive, innovate, and create jobs for Hoosiers.

Strengthening the Workforce

Securing Indiana's economic future through skill development and job creation.

Ensuring Public Safety

A commitment to making our communities safer for everyone.

Advancing Education

Promoting innovative educational programs that prepare our students for success.

Elect Chuck Goodrich
for Congress on May 7th

 Renewing Hope, Leading Change

Paid for by the National Association of Home Builders. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. http://www.nahb.org